Thursday, September 13, 2007

More Travel News .. The Spreading

One of your pics is going to Ireland later this month. One was dropped in Sydney, Australia over the summer. I haven't gotten to check on the other yet, but one was suposed to go to Hawaii too. - Lori, Kansas City Troop Leader

I'm headed to Calgary, Alberta, Canada in mid-October and will be in Livonia (Detroit), MI, too, early that month. Send me several items because I'll be all over the country for work the next many months. Glad to help.
- Brian, Blue Springs, MO

This morning I ran into a friend while having coffee. He told me he'd received an email from a friend of his asking him to check out a web site that linked him to video documentary that included a photo of my neighbor Dan, who he went to highschool all that? Six degrees of separation, as always, led me to your the details of your project and I'd like to get involved! I travel here and there, but I have friends in faraway places that I think would get a kick out of your project. How can I get involved?
- Abby, Midtown Kansas City, MO